Page 41 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 41

To Be Freed From Prej u dice                39

            by countless experiments that have been reported in the scientific litera-
            ture and are the everyday fare of psychology and psychiatry textbooks.
                 The theory of evolution and the materialistic world view that relies on
            it are imposed on the masses by such indoctrination methods. People who
            continuously encounter the indoctrination of evolution in the media, aca-
            demic sources, and "scientific" platforms, fail to realise that accepting this
            theory is in fact contrary to the most basic principles of reason. The same
            indoctrination captures scientists as well. Young names stepping up in their
            scientific careers adopt the materialist world view more and more as time
            passes. Enchanted by this spell, many evolutionist scientists go on searching
            for scientific confirmation of 19th century's irrational and outdated evolu-
            tionist claims that have long since been refuted by scientific evidence.
                 There are also additional mechanisms that force scientists to be
            evolutionist and materialist. In Western countries, a scientist has to ob-
            serve some standards in order to be promoted, to receive academic recog-
            nition, or to have his articles published in scientific journals. A
            straightforward acceptance of evolution is the number-one criterion. This
            system drives these scientists so far as to spend their whole lives and sci-
            entific careers for the sake of a dogmatic belief. American molecular biol-
            ogist Jonathan Wells refers to these pressure mechanisms in his book Icons
            of Evolution published in 2000:
                 ...Dogmatic Darwinists begin by imposing a narrow interpretation on the ev-
                 idence and declaring it the only way to do science. Critics are then labeled
                 unscientific; their articles are rejected by mainstream
                 journals, whose editorial boards are dominated by
                 the dogmatists; the critics are denied funding by
                 government agencies, who send grant proposals to
                 the dogmatists for "peer" review; and eventually the
                 critics are hounded out of scientific community alto-
                 gether. In the process, evidence against the Darwin-
                 ian view simply disappears, like witnesses against
                 the Mob. Or the evidence is buried in specialized
                 publications, where only a dedicated researcher can
                 find. Once critics have been silenced and counter-
                 evidence has been buried, the dogmatists announce
                 that there is scientific debate about their theory,  Icons of Evolution, by
                                                                      Jonathan Wells
                 and no evidence against it. 5
                 This is the reality that continues to lie behind
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