Page 40 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 40
ones to believe, unless it is in Allah's plan.
But most of them ignore [the truth]. (Surat
al-An’am: 111)
As this verse makes clear, the dogmatic
thinking of the evolutionists is not an original
way of thinking, nor is it even peculiar to
them. In fact, what the evolutionist scientist
maintains is not a modern scientific thought
but an ignorance that has persevered since
the most uncivilised pagan communities.
The same psychology is defined in an-
other verse of the Qur'an: Richard Dawkins, busy with
Even if We opened out to them a gate from propagating evolution
heaven and they were to continue [(all day)]
ascending therein, they would only say: "Our eyesight is befuddled! Or
rather we have been put under a spell!" eyes have been intoxicated: Nay, we
have been bewitched by sorcery." (Surat al-Hijr : 14-15)
Mass Evolutionist Indoctrination
As indicated in the verses cited above, one of the reasons why people
cannot see the realities of their existence is a kind of "spell" impeding their
reasoning. It is the same "spell" that underlies the world-wide acceptance
of the theory of evolution. What we mean by spell is a conditioning ac-
quired by indoctrination. People are exposed to such an intense indoctri-
nation about the correctness of the theory of evolution that they often do
not even realise the distortion that exists.
This indoctrination creates a negative effect on the brain and disables
the faculty of judgement and comprehension. Eventually, the brain, being
under a continuous indoctrination, starts to perceive the realities not as
they are but as they have been indoctrinated. This phenomenon can be ob-
served in other examples. For instance, if someone is hypnotised and in-
doctrinated that the bed he is lying on is a car, he perceives the bed as a car
after the hypnosis session. He thinks that this is very logical and rational
because he really sees it that way and has no doubt that he is right. Such
examples as the one above, which show the efficiency and the power of the
mechanism of indoctrination, are scientific realities that have been verified