Page 42 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 42
the assertion "evolution is still accepted by the world of science". Evolution
is kept alive not because it has a scientific worth but because it is an ideo-
logical obligation. Very few of the scientists who are aware of this fact can
risk pointing out that the king isn't wearing any clothes.
In the rest of this book, we will be reviewing the findings of modern
science against evolution which are either disregarded by evolutionists or
"buried in specialized publications", and display of the clear evidence of
Allah's existence. The reader will witness that evolution theory is in fact a
deceit-a deceit that is belied by science at every step but is upheld to veil
the fact of creation. What is to be hoped of the reader is that he will wake
up from the spell that blinds people's minds and disrupts their ability to
judge and he will reflect seriously on what is related in this book.
If he rids himself of this spell and thinks clearly, freely, and without
any prejudice, he will soon discover the crystal-clear truth. This inevitable
truth, also demonstrated by modern science in all its aspects, is that living
organisms came into existence not by chance but as a result of creation.
Man can easily see the fact of creation when he considers how he himself
exists, how he has come into being from a drop of water, or the perfection
of every other living thing.