Page 38 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 38

36                    THE EV O LU TION DE CEIT

                 Blind Materialism

                 The false faith that we are talking about is the materialistic philoso-
            phy, which argues that matter has existed for all eternity and there is noth-
            ing other than matter. The theory of evolution is the so-called "scientific
            foundation" for this materialistic philosophy and that theory is blindly de-
            fended in order to uphold this philosophy. When science invalidates the
            claims of evolution-and that is the very point that has been reached at the
            end of the 20th century-it then is sought to be distorted and brought into
            a position where it supports evolution for the sake of keeping materialism
                 A few lines written by one of the prominent evolutionist biologists of
            Turkey is a good example that enables us to see the disordered judgement
            and discretion that this blind devotion leads to. This scientist discusses the
            probability of the coincidental formation of Cytochrome-C, which is one of
            the most essential enzymes for life, as follows:
                 The probability of the formation of a Cytochrome-C sequence is as likely as
                 zero. That is, if life requires a certain sequence, it can be said that this has a
                 probability likely to be realised once in the whole universe. Otherwise, some
                 metaphysical powers beyond our definition should have acted in its forma-
                 tion. To accept the latter is not appropriate to the goals of science. We there-
                 fore have to look into the first hypothesis. 2
                 This scientist finds it "more scientific" to accept a possibility "as likely
            as zero" rather than creation. However according to the rules of science, if
            there are two alternative explanations concerning an event and if one of
            them has "as likely as zero" a possibility of realisation, then the other one
            is the correct alternative. However the dogmatic materialistic approach
            forbids the admittance of a superior Creator. This prohibition drives this
            scientist-and many others who believe in the same materialist dogma-to
            accept claims that are completely contrary to reason.
                 People who believe and trust these scientists also become enthralled
            and blinded by the same materialistic spell and they adopt the same indif-
            ference when reading their books and articles.
                 This dogmatic materialistic point of view is the reason why many
            prominent names in the scientific community are atheists. Those who free
            themselves from the thrall of this spell and think with an open mind do
            not hesitate to accept the existence of a Creator. American biochemist Dr
            Michael J. Behe, one of those prominent names who support the move-
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