Page 46 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 46
Dar win's Ra cism
ne of the most impor- into a position
tant yet least-known where they pro-
O aspects of Darwin is vided the most
his racism: Darwin regarded important "sci-
white Europeans as more "ad- entific ground"
vanced" than other human for racism. Sup-
races. While Darwin presumed posing that liv-
that man evolved from ape-like ing beings
creatures, he surmised that evolved in the
some races developed more struggle for life,
than others and that the latter Darwinism was
still bore simian features. In his even adapted to
book, The Descent of Man, the social sci-
which he published after The
Origin of Species, he boldly
commented on "the greater
differences between men of
distinct races". 1 In his book,
Darwin held blacks and Aus-
tralian Aborigines to be equal
to gorillas and then inferred
that these would be "done
away with" by the "civilised
races" in time. He said:
At some future period, not
very distant as measured
by centuries, the civilized
races of man will almost certainly ences, and turned into a conception
exterminate and replace the sav- that came to be called "Social Darwin-
age races throughout the world. At ism".
the same time the anthropomor- Social Darwinism contends that
phous apes... will no doubt be ex- existing human races are located at
terminated. The break between different rungs of the "evolutionary
man and his nearest allies will then ladder", that the European races were
be wider, for it will intervene in a the most "advanced" of all, and that
more civilised state, as we may many other races still bear "simian"
hope, even than the Caucasian, features.
and some ape as low as baboon,
instead of as now between the
negro or Australian and the go- 1- Benjamin Farrington, What Darwin Really
rilla. 2 Said. London: Sphere Books, 1971, pp. 54-
Darwin's nonsensical ideas were
2- Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 2nd
not only theorised, but also brought ed., New York: A.L. Burt Co., 1874, p. 178