Page 50 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 50


                 But neo-Darwinism was never a scientific theory anyway, but was an
            ideological dogma if not to say some sort of false religion. The Canadian
            philosopher of science Michael Ruse, a staunch evolutionist himself, con-
            fesses this in a speech he gave at a 1993 meeting:
                 And certainly, there's no doubt about it, that in the past, and I think also in
                 the present, for many evolutionists, evolution has functioned as something
                 with elements which are, let us say, akin to being a secular religion ... And it
                 seems to me very clear that at some very basic level, evolution as a scientific
                 theory makes a commitment to a kind of naturalism... 11
                 This is why the champions of the theory of evolution still go on de-
            fending it in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. One thing they can-
            not agree on however is which of the different models proposed for the
            realisation of evolution is the "right" one. One of the most important of
            these models is the fantastic scenario known as "punctuated equilibrium".

                 Trial and Error: Punctuated Equilibrium
                 Most of the scientists who believe in evolution accept the neo-Dar-
            winist theory of slow, gradual evolution. In recent decades, however, a dif-
            ferent model has been proposed. Called "punctuated equilibrium", this
            model maintains that living species came about not through a series of
            small changes, as Darwin had maintained, but by sudden, large ones.
                 The first vociferous defenders of this notion appeared at the begin-
            ning of the 1970s. Two American paleontologists, Niles Eldredge and
            Stephen Jay Gould, were well aware that the claims of the neo-Darwinist
            theory were absolutely refuted by the fossil record. Fossils proved that liv-
            ing organisms did not originate by gradual evolution, but appeared sud-
            denly and fully-formed. Neo-Darwinists
            were living with the fond hope-they still do-
            that the lost transitional forms would one day
            be found. Realising that this hope was
            groundless, Eldredge and Gould were never-
            theless unable to abandon their evolutionary
            dogma, so they put forward a new model:
            punctuated equilibrium. This is the claim that
            evolution did not take place as a result of
            minor variations but rather in sudden and
            great changes.                                       Steph en Jay Gould
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