Page 51 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 51
A Brief History of the Theory 49
Today, tens of thousands of scientists around the world, particularly in the USA and Europe,
defy the theory of evolution and have published many books on the invalidity of the theory.
Above are a few examples.
This model was nothing but a model for fantasies. For instance, Eu-
ropean paleontologist O.H. Shindewolf, who led the way for Eldredge and
Gould, claimed that the first bird came out of a reptile egg, as a "gross mu-
tation", that is, as a result of a huge "accident" that took place in the genetic
structure. 12 According to the same theory, some land-dwelling animals
could have turned into giant whales having undergone a sudden and com-
prehensive transformation. These claims, totally contradicting all the rules
of genetics, biophysics, and biochemistry are as scientific as the fairy tales
about frogs turning into princes! Nevertheless, being distressed by the cri-
sis that the neo-Darwinist assertion was in, some evolutionist paleontolo-
gists embraced this theory, which had the distinction of being even more
bizarre than neo-Darwinism itself.
The only purpose of this model was to provide an explanation of the
gaps in the fossil-record that the neo-Darwinist model could not explain.
However, it is hardly rational to attempt to explain the fossil gap in the
evolution of birds with a claim that "a bird popped all of a sudden out of
a reptile egg", because by the evolutionists' own admission, the evolution
of a species to another species requires a great and advantageous change
in genetic information. However, no mutation whatsoever improves the
genetic information or adds new information to it. Mutations only derange