Page 49 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 49

The Primitive Level of Science and
                                Technology in Darwin's Time

                        hen Darwin put forward
                        his assumptions, the
                W disciplines of genet-                      Detailed studies of the cell
                ics, microbiology, and bio-                 were only possible after the
                chemistry did not yet exist. If            discovery of the electron mi-
                they had been discovered                     croscope. In Darwin's time,
                before Darwin put forward                      with the primitive micro-
                his theory, Darwin might                       scopes seen here, it was
                easily have recognised that                only possible to view the out-
                his theory was totally unsci-               side surface of the cell. The
                entific and might not have at-             cell conceals an exceedingly
                tempted to advance such                             complex structure.
                meaningless claims. The
                information determining
                the species already ex-
                ists in the genes and it is impossi-
                ble for natural selection to produce
                new species through alterations in
                the genes.
                   Similarly, the world of science
                in those days had a very shallow
                and crude understanding of the
                structure and functions of the cell.
                If Darwin had had the chance to
                view the cell with an electron mi-
                croscope, he would have wit-
                nessed the great complexity and
                extraordinary structure in the or-
                ganelles of the cell. He would have
                beheld with his own eyes that it
                would not be possible for
                such an intricate and com-
                plex system to occur through
                minor variations. If he had
                known about bio-mathematics,
                then he would have realised that
                not even a single protein mole-
                cule, let alone a whole cell,
                could not have come into exis-
                tence by chance.
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