Page 88 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 88
The Origin of Mammals
As we have stated before, the theory of evolution proposes that some
imaginary creatures that came out of the sea turned into reptiles, and that
birds evolved from reptiles. According to the same sce-
nario, reptiles are the ancestors not only of birds but
also of mammals. However, there are great differ-
ences between these two classes. Mammals are
warm-blooded animals (this means they can gen-
erate their own heat and maintain it at a
steady level), they give live birth,
they suckle their young, and their
bodies are covered in fur or hair.
Reptiles, on the other hand, are
cold-blooded (i.e., they cannot
generate heat, and their body tem-
perature changes according to the volutionists propose that
all mammal species evolved
external temperature), they lay E from a common ancestor.
eggs, they do not suckle their However, there are great differ-
ences between various mammal
young, and their bodies are cov-
species such as bears, whales,
ered in scales. mice, and bats. Each of these liv-
One example of the structural ing beings pos-
sesses specific
barriers between reptiles and
systems. For exam-
mammals is their jaw structure. ple, bats are created
Mammal jaws consist of only one with a very sensitive
sonar system that
mandibular bone containing the
helps them find their
teeth. In reptiles, there are three lit- way in darkness. A bat fossil
tle bones on both sides of the These complex aged 50 million
systems, which years: no dif-
mandible. Another basic differ- modern technol- ferent from its
ence is that all mammals have ogy can only imi- present-day
tate, could not counterpart.
three bones in their middle ear
possibly have (Science, vol.
(hammer, anvil, and stirrup). Rep- emerged 154)
tiles have but a single bone in the as a result of chance coincidence.
The fossil record also demon-
middle ear. Evolutionists claim
strates that bats came into being in
that the reptile jaw and middle ear their present perfect state all of a
gradually evolved into the mam- sudden and that they have not un-
dergone any "evolutionary
mal jaw and ear. The question of