Page 93 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 93
Im ag i nary and De cep tive Draw ings
DRAWING National Geographic, March 1996
Junior Larousse Ency- clopaedia, vol. 1, p. 96 Geheimnisse Der Urzeit, Tiere
und Menschen, p. 200
Junior Larousse Encyclopaedia,
In pictures and reconstructions, evolutionists deliberately give shape to fea- vol. 1, p. 94
tures that do not actually leave any fossil traces, such as the structure of the
nose and lips, the shape of the hair, the form of the eyebrows, and other bod-
ily hair so as to support evolution. They also prepare detailed pictures depict-
ing these imaginary creatures walking with their families, hunting, or in other
instances of their daily lives. However, these drawings are all figments of the
imagination and have no counterpart in the fossil record.