Page 90 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 90

The Myth of Horse Ev o lu tion

                 ntil recently, an imaginary se-
                 quence supposedly showing the
           U evolution of the horse was ad-
           vanced as the principal fossil evidence
           for the theory of evolution. Today, how-
           ever, many evolutionists themselves
           frankly admit that the scenario of horse
           evolution is bankrupt. In 1980, a four-day
           symposium was held at the Field Mu-
           seum of Natural History in Chicago, with
           150 evolutionists in attendance, to dis-
           cuss the problems with gradualistic evo-
           lutionary theory. In addressing the
           meeting, evolutionist Boyce Rensberger
           noted that the scenario of the evolution
           of the horse has no foundation in the
           fossil record, and that no evolutionary
           proccess has been observed that would
           account for the gradual evolution of
           horses:                                 There are breeds of horse of different
              The popularly told example of horse  sizes on Earth. The "evolution of the
              evolution, suggesting a gradual se-  horse" sequence is nothing more than
              quence of changes from four-toed       fossils belonging to these different
              fox-sized creatures living nearly 50   breeds and certain other mammals
              million years ago to today's much     being set out one behind the other.
              larger one-toed horse, has long been
                                                   ble, particularly when the people who
              known to be wrong. Instead of grad-
                                                   propose those kinds of stories may
              ual change, fossils of each intermedi-
                                                   themselves be aware of the specula-
              ate species appear fully distinct,                              2
                                                   tive nature of some of that stuff.
              persist unchanged, and then become
              extinct. Transitional forms are un-  Then what is the basis for the sce-
              known. 1                          nario of the evolution of the horse? This
                                                scenario was formulated by means of
              Dr. Niles Eldredge said the following
                                                the deceitful charts devised by the se-
           about the “evolution of the horse” dia-
                                                quential arrangement of fossils of dis-
                                                tinct species that lived at vastly different
              There have been an awful lot of sto-  periods in India, South Africa, North
              ries, some more imaginative than  America, and Europe solely in accor-
              others, about what the nature of that  dance with the rich power of evolution-
              history [of life] really is. The most fa-  ists' imaginations. More than 20 charts
              mous example, still on exhibit down-  of the evolution of the horse, which by
              stairs, is the exhibit on horse   the way are totally different from each
              evolution prepared perhaps fifty  other, have been proposed by various
              years ago. That has been presented  researchers. Thus, it is obvious that evo-
              as the literal truth in textbook after  lutionists have reached no common
              textbook. Now I think that is lamenta-  agreement on these family trees. The
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