Page 100 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 100
The Signs Leading To Faith
We do many things without re-
ally thinking them, such as walk-
ing, running, and talking, thanks
to the enzymes created by God.
be very high. It follows, therefore, that in order to carry out a
simple reaction, a cell needs a high temperature and a consid-
erable amount of energy.
Yet the silently working enzymes fulfill their functions by
using the energy they take from the body and its nutriments.
This feature alone is sufficient to reveal that these are highly
skilled personnel designed to make every reaction flawless
and usable. At this very moment, many enzymes are control-
ling the reactions taking place throughout your body and
bringing them up to a speed that allows your cells to stay
Although a person is unaware of what is going on in his
body, enzymes are both aware and make the most essential
and timely interventions into all these processes. Moreover,
every enzyme accelerates specific chemical reactions inside
the body without any mistake, for each enzyme has been spe-
cially produced for its own task. For example, although many
enzymes are effective in neutral liquid environments, those
enzymes charged with digesting foodstuffs in the stomach can
operate only in acidic environments.