Page 95 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 95
Examples Of Signs Leading To Faith
miraculous growth takes place thanks to
perfect communication among our cells.
Our bodies are managed, on our behalf, by
a chemical communication system. The
system’s message bearers (hormones)
carry messages backward and forward
among the cells. This process keeps us
The Miracle of Growth
The pituitary gland, a small, pink
piece of flesh about the size of a chickpea,
is connected to the hypothalamus region,
located underneath the brain, by a small
stalk. This connection allows it to receive
instructions directly from the hypothala-
mus and thus produce the requisite num-
ber of hormones and make the necessary
bodily adjustments. One of these adjust-
ments is growth.
A person’s growth assumes two dif-
ferent forms: an increase in the volume of
certain cells, and the division and multi-
plication of cells. The growth hormone
brings about and directs both processes.
Secreted by the pituitary gland, this hor-
mone affects all of the body’s cells. Every
cell understands the message it receives
from the pituitary gland. If growth is nec- From a single cell to a
human being ...