Page 94 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 94
The Signs Leading To Faith
As you read these words, millions of processes are going
on in your body to calculate the needs of specific cells in specific
bodily regions, to set out the functions they need to perform, to
take the measures necessary to meet the cells’ needs, and to tell
the cells what to do.
For example, the eye’s cells need glucose for nutrition. To
that end, a particular bodily system identifies the amount of
sugar in your blood and maintains it at the same level. The
number of times your heart needs to beat every minute, the lev-
els of the calcium stored in your bones, the amount of blood fil-
tered every minute by your kidneys, and thousands of similar
details are all calculated and organized with careful planning
and thanks to the communication network among the cells.
Just one bodily system is responsible for all of this: the hor-
mone system, a chemical communication system that allows
the body’s 100 trillion cells to work in harmony. This system
enables coordination between the nervous system and the
body’s cells. If we compare the nervous system to messages
sent over the Internet, then the hormone system resembles mes-
sages sent by letter; slower, but more effective in the long run.
Let’s now consider how the hormone system affects the body’s
Proportionate Growth
By the age of one, a baby is twice as heavy and twice as tall
as when it was born. As the years pass, it continues to gain
weight and grow in height with extraordinary speed. This