Page 96 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 96

The Signs Leading To Faith

                  essary, it grows; if it needs to divide and multiply, it does so.
                       For instance, a new-born baby’s heart is about one-six-
                  teenth the size of an adult’s, even though the total number of
                  cells in both hearts is the same. The growth hormone, which
                  affects the heart cells individually during the growth process,
                  commands every cell to grow to the necessary extent. As the
                  heart grows, it turns into an adult, human heart.

                       Other cells, such as muscle and bone cells, divide and
                  multiply throughout the developmental period. Again, the
                  growth hormone is responsible for telling them how much

                  they need to divide. 31
                       The growth hormone’s great affect on each cell is an ex-
                  ceedingly great miracle. Were only some cells to follow its in-
                  structions, the result would be crippling. For example, if the

                  heart cells grew in the manner dictated by the growth hor-
                  mone and the ribcage’s cells refused to do so, the growing
                  heart would be so constricted within the non-growing ribcage

                  that the person would die. Or, if the bridge of the nose grew
                  while the skin did not, the bridge would burst through the
                       All of the muscles, bones, organs, and the skin grow in

                  harmony with one another. This flawless harmony is ensured
                  by each individual cell’s obeying the growth hormone. That
                  being the case, we need to ask how this chick-pea-sized gland

                  comes to know the necessary formula for a cell’s division or
                       At this point, the flawlessness and perfection of God’s
                  creation emerges once again. Cells in a tiny region bring about

                  the division and growth of trillions of other cells within a spe-
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