Page 90 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 90
The Signs Leading To Faith
nisms of nature” had no developmental power at all.
Since Darwin’s time, western science has discovered these
facts one by one. Interestingly, instead of proving Darwinism,
they actually revealed what a grave deception that theory is.
(One of the strongest present-day proponents of the theory of
evolution, Richard Dawkins, attempted a last-ditch defense of
this claim in his book The Blind Watchmaker, but failed.) Science
proved that Paley’s opinion was correct and that living things
were indeed “signs leading to faith.” Behe stresses this in his
Who has answered his [Paley’s] argument? How was the watch
produced without an intelligent designer? ... Paley has actually
never been refuted. Neither Darwin nor Dawkins, neither science
nor philosophy, has explained how an irreducibly complex sys-
tem such as a watch might be produced without a designer. 28
The rediscovery will have a deep influence upon both the
scientific world and the world in general. By this means, the ma-
terialist philosophy of Darwinism will be overthrown, and peo-
ple will comprehend God’s existence and begin to live by His
teachings. The disasters and tragedies inflicted on the world by
unbelief will disappear, as will the fascist, communist, or capital-
ist ideologies encouraged by Darwinism, and the proper moral
values of religion will prevail.
The key to this transformation consists of learning about,
understanding, and explaining the signs of faith to all people.
These signs will, if God wills, eliminate the unbeliever’s false-
hoods and the modern age’s deceptions, in the same way that
Prophet Moses’ (May God bless him) staff swallowed up the
Egyptian magicians’ illusory serpents.