Page 85 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 85

The Signs Leading To Faith Refute
                               Atheism And Materialism

               quirement that all of its different organelles be present fully
               formed and working perfectly means that no such chance-
               based process could have taken place.

                    An eye that cannot secrete tears will soon dry up and go
               blind. Furthermore, a tear’s antiseptic properties protect the
               eye against germs. Evolutionists are unwilling to consider
               how the eye, which would dry up in a matter of hours in the

               absence of tears, managed to wait for millions of years until
               the tear glands emerged. In order for the eye to fulfill its func-
               tion, it needs a body that has all of its systems and organs in

               place, as well as such tissues and organelles as the cornea, iris,
               pupil, lens, retina, choroid, eye muscles, and eyelid. In addi-
               tion, in the absence of the superb network of nerves that con-
               nects the eye and the brain, and without the exceedingly

               complex visual center in the brain, we would be unable to see.
               Moreover, all of these parts have such special and complex
               structures that they could never have come into being by

                    Consider the following facts: If any organelle, such as the
               lens, were absent, or if the positions of the lens and the pupil
               were changed, the eye would be unable to fulfill its function of

               sight. In short, the eye’s structure is the work of very special
               planning. There is only one valid and logical explanation of
               how these organelles and strata, not one of which could have

               come about unaided and by chance, adhere to such a specific
               plan, work in such harmony, and exist in the same place: God,
               Lord of infinite intelligence and might, creates all of these or-

                    Given that the eye cannot generate itself or come about by
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