Page 80 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 80
The Signs Leading To Faith
The Corruption of the Age: Materialist Thought
and the Theory of Evolution
In our day, the greatest and widest intellectual movement
denying God’s existence and the fact of creation is material-
ism. Its “scientific” foundation is Darwin’s theory of evolu-
tion. Although bereft of any scientific and logical evidence,
and despite being totally irrational and unscientific, this the-
ory’s adherents continue to spread its assertions all over the
world through propaganda, forgery, and deception. This
major intellectual movement, which destroys peoples’ belief
in God and makes them atheists, is known as Darwinism.
The well-known atheist and evolutionist professor
Richard Dawkins sums this up in the following words:
“Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled athe-
ist.” 25
Today, there is probably no person in the West or in the
East, including all Muslim countries, who has not heard of this
theory. In fact, its truth is so taken for granted that it appears in
school textbooks, is inculcated in our children, and misguides
them into believing that human beings came into being by
chance and evolved from apes. Society is brainwashed, from
primary school to university, with evolutionist falsehoods.
One hadith of our Prophet (may God bless him and grant
him peace); “One kind of corruption will surface, from which no
party will be able to protect itself, and spread immediately in all di-
rections...” may be pointing to this situation. Indeed, this the-
ory’s nonsensical claims have now spread worldwide due to
advances in communication technology (e.g., the press, broad-
casting, the Internet, and satellite communications). No other