Page 79 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 79


                          THE SIGNS LEADING TO

                         FAITH REFUTE ATHEISM

                                   AND MATERIALISM

                  C       ompared to previous times, ours is the one in which
                          rebellion against God and denial of religion have
                          reached the highest levels and spread far afield.
                          Even the existence of God and the fact of creation are

                               Up until the nineteenth century, both in the
                          West and in the East, atheism was supported only by

                          marginalized individuals and groups. But since that
                          time, a systematic and planned campaign has been
                          waged to impose atheism on as many people as pos-

                          sible. This campaign is led by those circles who sup-
                          port a materialist ideology and worldview. Their

                          atheistic beliefs and teachings have managed to in-
                          filtrate the most remote corners of society, thanks to
                          the widespread use of developing science, media,

                          and other means of communication.
                               The most effective answer to this materialist
                          and ideological assault is explaining the signs lead-

                          ing to faith to people. But first let’s take a brief look
                          at the materialists’ claims and the theory of evolu-
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