Page 84 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 84

The Signs Leading To Faith

                  are misled by Darwinism or have fallen under the influence of
                  this “religion” have become so biased and deluded that they
                  cannot comprehend this truth. Only the signs leading to faith,

                  which expose this superstitious religion for what it is, elimi-
                  nate it, and thereby raise the curtain of heedlessness from soci-
                  ety’s eyes, provide the intellectual means that can overthrow
                  Darwinism and materialist philosophy.

                       The Most Effective Means: Signs Leading to Faith

                       Learning about, explaining, and telling people about the
                  signs leading to faith—the proofs of God’s existence—are the
                  most effective tools for disproving the theory of evolution,

                  which ascribes the existence of humanity and all living beings
                  to chance. Only they show, by totally undermining the evolu-
                  tionists’ chance-based theories, the presence of a conscious de-

                  sign and reveal God’s matchless and superior creation.
                       For example, the eye is one of these signs, one that has
                  represented an insurmountable obstacle to evolutionists ever
                  since Darwin said: “I remember well the time when the

                  thought of the eye made me cold all over.” One can better un-
                  derstand why evolutionists are so keen to avoid discussing the
                  eye after examining its structure. The eye possesses a very
                  complex structure made up of a large number of organelles

                  and components. Its functions are amazingly detailed and
                  complex. The eye emerges as a result of the different or-
                  ganelles and components that comprise it and that work in
                  harmony. Despite this, evolutionists maintain that all existing

                  organs came into being by themselves over time. The eye’s re-
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