Page 87 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 87

The Signs Leading To Faith Refute
                               Atheism And Materialism

                    The West Is Rediscovering the Signs
                    Most of the scientists who oppose the theory of evolution
               and believe it to be mistaken are American. Such scientists ad-

               here to the concept of “intelligent design,” broadly defined as
               the belief life did not emerge by chance, but was “designed”
               by an entity possessing reason and consciousness. Over the
               last 20 years, in particular, they have published hundreds of

               books and papers and held a similar number of scientific pan-
               els and conferences. In addition, they produce a journal,
               Origins and Design, that contains a great deal of information,

               presented in an academic and scientific manner, that invali-
               date Darwinian claims. One of the most prominent people in
               this movement is Michael Behe, a professor of biochemistry,
               whose book Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to

               Evolution has been translated into many languages.
                    The Intelligent Design movement begins with the facts
               that we refer to as “signs leading to faith”: the evident “de-

               sign” in the systems of living and non-living things that can-
               not be accounted for by coincidence and that are the work of
               the Creator. The movement’s leading scientists maintain that
               the universe’s flawless and delicate balances, the complex or-

               gans and systems found in living things, or the molecular
               world’s complex structures prove the existence of a Creator.
               Moreover, the materialists and Darwinists cannot refute their

               proofs. This movement has led many people in the scientific
               world and society at large to realize that the theory of evolu-
               tion is a deception.
                    The concept of intelligent design is actually the western

               world’s rediscovery of the signs leading to faith, which
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