Page 81 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 81

The Signs Leading To Faith Refute
                               Atheism And Materialism

               intellectual system has ever waged war on God’s existence,
               creation, and religion on such a vast scale.
                    For all of these reasons, humanity’s greatest enemy is

               Darwinism and its related ideologies. When analyzed in some
               detail, Darwinism shows itself to be the major source behind
               all of the irreligious and immoral trends prevailing in society
               today. On the level of ideas, Darwinism lies at the root of the

               pressure being inflicted on Muslims today, their lack of belief,
               and the avalanche of immorality and social degeneration seen
               throughout the world.

                    The Root of Misguided Value Judgments:

                    The theory of evolution maintains that “living things
               evolve as the result of chance and thanks to the struggle for

               survival.” Thus, “nobody is responsible to anybody else, you
               owe your life to coincidences, you need to fight to survive and,
               if necessary, trample others underfoot, for this world is a place
               of conflict and self-interest.” These misguided beliefs have

               given rise to such concepts as “natural selection,” “the fight for
               survival,” and “the survival of the fittest” in both the biologi-
               cal and social arenas.

                    In order to see just how effective this propaganda is, look
               at contemporary society’s value judgments. Most people live
               for this world and spend their time trying to carve out a good
               career for themselves, acquire property and money, enjoy
               themselves, and “emerge victorious from the struggle for sur-

               vival.” Young people, in particular, consider having a luxuri-
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