Page 76 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 76
The Signs Leading To Faith
Mehmed Zahid Kotku
Mehmed Zahid Kotku (1897-1980), spent his life guiding
people with his wise words, teaching, and serving the Qur’an.
Taking the Qur’an as his guide, he told all who would listen of
the signs leading to faith, incontrovertible proofs of God’s exis-
tence. Some examples of his writings are given below:
For thinking people, there are countless warnings and portents
to be pondered on Earth and in the sky regarding God’s exis-
tence and oneness. Looking at Earth and sky again and again,
and drawing warnings and feelings from them, will defi-
nitely be a means of turning to God. 23
Can we know the type and number of God’s creatures
on Earth, in the sky, in the sea, and in the air? Nobody
other than our Creator—God—can know their num-
ber. In particular, think of those things that we call
germs, which so frighten us, are invisible to the naked
eye, and threaten people, animals, and even our fruits.
We cannot defeat them. Is their existence not enough
to prove His existence and oneness? How is it that these tiny
creatures can suddenly cause a person to lay down on the
ground and eventually die? This is, of course, a lesson for think-
ing people. 24
Islamic scholars have always placed the signs leading to
faith at the forefront of their message. As can be seen from the
above passages, Islamic scholars have thought long and hard
about these signs and then called on people to understand them
as proofs of His existence and to think about His names.
We must take their considerations as models and learn
more about, study, and interpret the signs leading to faith by
using all of the scientific and technological possibilities avail-
able to us.