Page 71 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 71

Islamic Scholars And The Signs Leading To Faith

                    eternal diamonds, their holy tasks must not be interrupted, and
                    their minds must not be confused with the chess-like games of the
                    cruel. 11
                    Furthermore, one passage expresses the importance he at-

               tached to the signs leading to faith:
                    According to Bediuzzaman, the fundamental problem was for a
                    person to perceive himself, other beings, the universe, and those
                    of his kind within the axis of faith. The most important task is to

                    bring that about … Making that analysis, Bediuzzaman then de-
                    veloped his remedial method, the essence and summary of which
                    is “inquiring faith.” It was time to raise people on the axis of “in-
                    quiring faith” who would be enriched by the technology of the
                    age. This could be done by education. 12

                    In his Tabiat Risalesi, Bediuzzaman devoted considerable
               space to the signs leading to faith. In his Barla Letters, he ex-
               plained that one of the Risale-i Nur’s most important features was

               its ability to silence materialist and naturalist intellectual trends
               by leading people to think deeply on the signs:
                    Against the destructions wreaked on hearts by leftist currents, the

                    Risale-i Nur Collection, serving as a spiritual miracle of the Qur’an
                    and a spiritual atomic bomb against our time’s unbelief, mends
                    the spirit of hearts and imparts an astounding power and basis of
                    might into its readers’ hearts. Moreover, it does so with the inspi-
                    ration and guidance of the Qur’an. With the lessons it provides on
                    contemplation over faith, it points to the light of God’s Oneness
                    for the issues that have stumped the naturalists and materialists.
                    It explains the truths of belief with illustrations and evidence

                    from the material world. It arises as a sun and provides the
                    proof for the truths of belief for the very same matters in the
                    high school and university science curricula. For such reasons, in
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