Page 74 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 74

The Signs Leading To Faith

                       main silent and indifferent, for the whole universe would deny
                       it. 16

                       Just as an ordinary machine, with its orderly and measured unity,
                       reveals the existence of a skilful and scrupulous craftsman, each
                       one of the countless (living) machines crowding the universe in-
                       dicates thousands of miracles of wisdom. To the degree of the
                       Sun’s light, the glowworm’s light brightly testifies that those liv-

                       ing beings exist due to the existence of their skilful and eternal
                       Master, and that He deserves to be worshipped. 17

                       … Since an orderly act cannot occur without an author, a mean-
                       ingful book cannot be without a scribe, and a beautiful piece of
                       embroidery cannot be woven without an embroiderer, the pur-
                       poseful acts which fill the universe surely have an author, and the

                       meaningful letters and amazing embroideries which cover the
                       face of the Earth and are renewed from season to season have a
                       scribe and an embroiderer. 18

                       There are three great and universal things which make our
                       Sustainer known to us. One is the Book of the Universe … another
                       is the Seal of the Prophets (May God bless them), the supreme
                       sign of the Book of the Universe. The other is the Qur’an of

                       Mighty Stature. 19
                       Come, my friend! Now we shall leave these particular matters

                       and turn our attention to the mutual positions of the parts of this
                       wondrous world in the form of a palace. Look! Universal works
                       are being carried out, and general revolutions are occurring in this
                       world with such order that all of the rocks, soil, trees, in fact
                       everything in this palace, observe the universal systems of the

                       world and conform to them as if each were acting with its own
                       will. 20
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