Page 105 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 105

Harun Yahya

             People Who Surrender to Hopelessness
             in This World Should Fear Joining Those
             Who Abandon All Hope of Salvation
             in the Hereafter for Eternity
             When faced with even the slightest difficulty, those who are in-
         capable of appreciating Allah's boundless power and mercy and His
         love for His servants and generosity towards them, immediately
         give way to hopelessness and abandon their hopes of Allah's mercy.
         Allah tells us that this is a characteristic of unbelievers in the verse,
         "... Do not despair of solace from Allah. No one despairs of solace
         from Allah except for people who are disbelievers" (Surah Yusuf:
         87). For this reason, those who cannot overcome this weakness in
         their morality, despite knowing this provision of the Qur'an, should
         fear being left in such sorrow for all eternity and falling into a truly
         hopeless situation in the Hereafter.
             In the Qur'an, Allah refers to the hopelessness of people in Hell:
             It will not be eased for them. They will be crushed there by
             despair. (Surat az-Zukhruf: 75)
             On the Day the Hour arrives, the evildoers will be in de-
             spair. (Surat ar-Rum: 12)

             People Ungrateful for the Blessings They Possess
             Should Remember that in the Hereafter,
             They May Be Deprived of All Blessings
             Those who take no pleasure from the beautiful things around
         them, are ungrateful for the blessings they do possess and do not
         praise Allah's bounty as they should, will spend their worldly lives
         unhappily. Because they have not returned gratitude for the bless-
         ings Allah has given them, they will receive a life in Hell as repay-
         ment for their ingratitude. In the verses of the Qur'an, Allah tells us

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