Page 109 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 109
Harun Yahya
speak to them or look at them or purify them. They will
have a painful punishment. (Surah Al 'Imran: 77)
Even an insincerity regarded as minor in the life of the world
will definitely be held against a person in the Hereafter. Here on
Earth, the faithful may forgive generously, but people should not be
deceived by this. If insincerity is hidden in a person's heart, Allah
knows it and will certainly repay it in the Hereafter. For this reason,
everyone should be aware that silence used as a protest will receive
its punishment from Allah and should fear and avoid such behavior.
People Who Cast Insincere Glances at the Faithful
Should Fear Being Condemned to Blindness
and Unable to See at all in the Hereafter
Those who, despite all advice and warnings, use glances to ex-
press their insincerity rather than their faith in and devotion to Allah
should remember that in the Hereafter, they'll be called on to ac-
count for their behavior. Those who do not avoid insincerity in this
world should fear being brought to a state where they cannot see at
all, where their eyes cannot show a natural expression even if they
wanted to. Their eyes will be blinded and their faces will become
filled with terror, rigid. Allah describes what will happen on the Day
of Judgment:
Do not consider Allah to be unaware of what the wrongdo-
ers perpetrate. He is merely deferring them to a Day on
which their sight will be transfixed. (Surah Ibrahim: 42)
On the Day the Trumpet is blown—and We will gather the
evildoers sightless on that Day. (Surah Ta Ha: 102)
Eyes downcast, darkened by debasement, that will be the
Day which they were promised. (Surat al-Ma'arij: 44)
Of course no one wants to receive such penalties. The only way