Page 113 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 113
Harun Yahya
Another of the most important conditions that rescues a person
from the sorrows of the world is his full intention to be sincere. This
concept, as well as sincerity itself, embraces honesty, avoidance of
selfish interests, remaining true to Allah and preferring the morality
of the Qur'an or the comfort of the faithful over one's own interests.
In addition, it is necessary for a person to keep his heart de-
voted to Allah at all times and not give way to the blandishments of
his lower self. He should always keep his heart pure, never forget-
ting that Allah hears and sees him at every moment and, further-
more, is closer to Him than his own jugular vein. Allah reveals this
truth to us in the Qur'an:
We created man and We know what his own self whispers
to him. We are nearer to him than his jugular vein. And the
two recording angels are recording, sitting on the right and
on the left. He does not utter a single word, without a
watcher by him, pen in hand. (Surah Qaf: 16-18)
Understanding this is another of the basics for being a righteous
believer. Such a person knows that he is under Allah's inspection at
every moment. And because he is aiming to gain Allah's good will,
he strenuously avoids any of the behaviors which give rise to insin-
cerity. For anyone who knows that Allah sees and hears him, it is im-
possible to speak in a way that deliberately discomforts others, to
adopt insincere expressions, display selfish behavior or behave de-
ceitfully by concealing one's true character—because he has a sure
faith that Allah is with him at all times. Because he knows that in the
Hereafter he will definitely be called to account for any uncon-
scionable behavior, he invariably displays a morality that will earn
Allah's approval.
He does not at any time stoop to secret acts and treacheries
which he thinks cannot be proven, because he is aware that Allah