Page 112 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 112
of the question for anybody to change his destiny. A person's fate is
determined before he is even born. Allah explains this in the Qur'an:
Allah created you from dust and then from a drop of sperm
and then made you into pairs. No female becomes preg-
nant or gives birth except with His knowledge. And no liv-
ing thing lives long or has its life cut short without that
being in a Book. That is easy for Allah. (Surah Fatir: 11)
You do not engage in any matter or recite any of the Qur'an
or do any action without Our witnessing you while you are
occupied with it. Not even the smallest speck eludes your
Lord, either on Earth or in heaven. Nor is there anything
smaller than that, or larger, which is not in a Clear Book.
(Surah Yunus: 61)
In the face of this truth, a person living out his destiny needs to
be cheerful about every detail of every event and see the goodness
in it. These are the conditions for being a righteous believer. For a
person who has and understands this knowledge, it is out of the
question to feel sad, be over-emotional, cry, believe that he has suf-
fered an injustice, fall into jealousy, take offense, become angry, react
to events with protests, fly into rages and despair. A believer is
pleased with every moment of his life, can see every blessing cre-
ated and lives in a spiritual state of feeling grateful for the comfort
brought by living his life under Allah's control. Whether or not he
understands His Divine wisdom, he feels pleased with everything
which comes from Allah. No event in the world can make such a
person give way to sorrow, tension or worry or cause him fear.
Because he knows that he cannot step outside his destiny and be-
cause his intentions are clean and pure, he always hopes for good-
ness and benefits from Allah and does not allow any negative
thinking into his life.