Page 107 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 107
Harun Yahya
al-Hijr: 43)
When these people realize they no longer have any friends,
they will say with regret,
"And now we have no one to intercede for us. We do not
have a single loyal friend. If only we could have another
chance, then we would be among the believers!" (Surat ash-
Shu'ara': 100-102)
One who has faith should know that in this world and the next,
his only friends are Allah and then, His prophets and pious follow-
ers. He should not allow the slightest trace of rage against the faith-
ful to remain in his heart and should love them with complete
sincerity. Only in this way can he be together with these people in
the eternal life of the Hereafter.
Those Who Believe They've Deceived People
with Insincerities that Cannot Be Proven
Should Know that Their Hands, Feet and Skin
Will Confess All This in the Hereafter
People who think that by putting forward various excuses,
they've deceived the ones who've advised them and summoned
them to superior morality should know that in the Hereafter, they
will be repaid for this insincerity. Things they think they have con-
cealed inside themselves will be brought to light. When that day
comes, their own hands, feet and skin will bear witness against them
and bring all their insincerities to light. People who behave hypo-
critically will not be able to escape torment. We are told this truth in
the Qur'an:
On the Day when their tongues and hands and feet will tes-
tify against them about what they were doing. On that Day
Allah will pay them in full what is due to them, and they