Page 88 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 88


                 Immediate Submission to Hopelessness
                 When met with criticism, people who do not live according to
            the requirements of the morality of the Qur'an immediately descend
            into hopelessness and defeatism. People who understand Allah's
            power and His mercy and generosity towards His faithful followers
            do not submit to hopelessness in any way.
                 In the Qur'an, Allah tells us of these words of the Prophet
            Ya'qub (as) on the subject of hopelessness:
                 "My sons! Seek news of Yusuf and his brother. Do not de-
                 spair of solace from Allah. No one despairs of solace from
                 Allah except for people who are disbelievers." (Surah
                 Yusuf: 87)
                 Being aware of his own defective aspects is a great blessing and
            an opportunity for a person. In this way, he can cleanse himself of
            his errors. But when warned or caught out in mistaken behavior,
            some people immediately give way to hopelessness. This is an indi-
            cation of their failure to place their trust in Allah. Lack of submission
            is one of the worst curses that can be suffered in this world, because
            anyone who believes that some events occur independently of Allah
            wants to always have them under his own control. But because he
            can never succeed in this, his life is continually spent in fear, worry,
            tension and stress. This spiritual state, experienced by people who
            forget Allah's boundless power and His supremacy over everything,
            is really one of the forms of torment created for people in worldly

                 The Psychology of Battling Injustice and
                 Those who cannot understand (as they should) Allah's justice,
            His compassion towards His faithful servants and, at the same time,

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