Page 86 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 86
See how they wrap themselves round trying to conceal
their feelings from Him! No, indeed! When they wrap their
garments round themselves, He knows what they keep se-
cret and what they make public. He knows what their
hearts contain. (Surah Hud: 5)
- Using a contrary manner of speaking
To render advice given them ineffective, some resort to using a
contrary manner of speaking. In this way they deceive themselves,
believing that they can dissuade Muslims who enjoin the good and
forbid evil. They deceive themselves because a pious Muslim is re-
sponsible only for revealing truths. Another's reaction cannot affect
his behaving in accordance with Allah's approval.
These two-faced people use contrariness in the same cunning
way as their other behavioral ploys. They try not to give away too
many indications or too much evidence of what they really think.
Above all, there is a concealed obstinacy in their speech. With
the support of barely perceptible gestures and emphases, they se-
cretly defy the person they are talking with. At first hearing, their
words may seem respectful and reasonable. However, their way of
saying these words, the emphases they use, the toughness in their
expressions and their inappropriate gestures give the impression
that they're really contradicting those they're talking to.
In the morality of the Qur'an, there is no place for contrary be-
havior, whether open or secret. One of the most important charac-
teristics distinguishing the faithful from the ignorant is their gentle,
humble, submissive patience and compassion. The only power that
can grant these qualities to people is the fear of Allah. For this rea-
son, anyone who engages in secret contrariness should abandon this
right away by fearing Allah to his utmost, taking refuge in Him, and