Page 81 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 81
Harun Yahya
minded of the verses of the Qur'an, immediately show their humil-
ity in their words and behavior, insincere people usually begin to
speak in a manner that does not conform to the Qur'an's morality.
Allah draws attention to their way of speaking, which is like a mir-
ror in which their true spiritual state can be seen, in this verse of the
If We wished, We would show them to you and you would
know them by their mark and know them by the burden of
their speech. Allah knows your actions. (Surah Muhammad:
The defects in these people's speech manifest themselves in a
number of ways. The most common ones include:
- The collapse of logical speech:
Some exhibit serious defects in their chain of logic. Most of the
time, they themselves are not aware of this collapse of logic, which is
readily apparent to others. For example, while trying to prove that
criticism directed at them is groundless, they put forth evidence to
prove that it is incorrect. Every statement they make is based on
more twisted logic than before. In every attempt to turn the situation
in their favor, they become even more irrational.
- Speech incompatible with the Qur'an
One of believers' most important characteristics is that the
morality of the Qur'an governs them at every moment; and that
their every word conforms to the verses of the Qur'an.
Some insincere people who receive advice may avoid referring
to the Qur'an or mentioning Allah's name, for if they did, they know
that they would have to live what they say. For instance, when one
of their defects is pointed out to them, if they express the attitude of