Page 77 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 77

Harun Yahya

             As a result of their condition, people in question pay attention
         only to those unhealthy thoughts that cross their minds. They form
         fixed ideas in compliance with their own opinions and for this rea-
         son, try not to listen to, hear or understand what is said to them. No
         matter how effective or striking another person's words may be,
         they do not change the thoughts in their closed minds. Satan intensi-
         fies their avoidance to such an extent that, even when things are
         pointed out to them with verses of the Qur'an, they do not think
         about them or even want to think about them. When reminded
         about Allah's existence, that they will be called on to account for
         their actions, that He sees everything and that the payback for their
         behavior may be the eternal torments of Hell, they arrive at a heed-
         lessness and a mental vacuum that will not allow these truths to af-
         fect them.
             In this way, they willfully close their minds to admonitions. But
         deep inside, they certainly know that they are wrong. Because of
         this, they condemn their consciences to live in trouble and lack of
         tranquility. They want to live lives dictated by their selves' desires—
         which is surely a life far removed from the teachings of the Qur'an.
         Meanwhile, they are also aware that such a lifestyle may cause them
         great disappointment in this world and the Hereafter. As a result,
         they spend their lives in internal conflict, foreboding and worry.
             Such a heedless attitude is not to be found in people of faith.
         Contrary to this behavior, the reaction of the faithful to a warning is
         to consider it and learn from it. This is pointed out in many verses of
         the Qur'an, and mentioned in the Surat al-A'la. In these verses, Allah
         tells us that thinking and taking advice are characteristics of people
         who fear Him in their hearts:
             Remind, then, if the reminder benefits. He who has fear

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