Page 82 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 82


            the faithful referred to in the verse, "[People who guard against evil
            are] those who, when they act indecently or wrong themselves, re-
            member Allah and ask forgiveness for their bad actions (and who
            can forgive bad actions except Allah?) and do not knowingly per-
            sist in what they were doing" (Surah Al 'Imran: 135), then, in com-
            pliance with the Qur'an, they should immediately abandon their
            insincerity. In the same way, if even for a moment they remember
            and declare that there is no being other than Allah—that they are
            impotent in the face of the power of Allah, that everything proceeds
            according to the destiny Allah has determined, that He knows what
            is in the inmost depths of their hearts, that people are tormented in
            this world and the Hereafter in return for their insincerity, that Hell
            is eternal and that the pain there is real and lasting—then they can
            hardly demonstrate the courage to persist in their immorality. In
            such a situation, a person can no longer pursue his own selfish ideas
            or use a manner of speaking arising from ignorance. Everything is
            turned on its head and he can no longer satisfy his lower self's de-
            sires. All his behavior, his manner of speaking and his tone of voice
            return to normal. He cannot practice deception or become irritable
            or protest toward the other person. No matter how hard on his
            pride, no matter how contrary to the image he believes he has cre-
            ated, he must admit his mistakes and take the effort to overcoming
            them, wasting no time.
                 For people who avoid thinking in accordance with the Qur'an,
            Hell is one of the most important reminders to make them think.
            When asked a question like, "If you were on the edge of Hell and were
            to be thrown into it or rescued—according to your behavior—would
            you still persist in the same behavior?", these people are pushed into a
            corner because no one on the edge of the fire can show the courage to
            behave in a way contrary to the morality of the Qur'an.

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