Page 85 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 85
Harun Yahya
- Affected speech
People who forget that Allah knows what is hidden in their
hearts think it's enough if they can only convince the people around
them. In this situation, they resort to affected speech and attitude to
conceal what is inside and try to make others believe what is not in
their hearts through affected behavior. They also use affected atti-
tudes and speech to hide from people what they want to keep secret.
Allah refers to people like this in a verse of the Qur'an:
... They please you with their mouths but their hearts belie
their words. Most of them are deviators. (Surat at-Tawba: 8)
Of course, maintaining this hypocritical spiritual state consis-
tently is extremely difficult. For a person to seem to feel things he
does not experience requires a great expenditure of effort. People
who maintain this extremely wearying behavior create troubles for
When advice is given them, they pretend—with exaggerated
gestures and emphases and long and detailed explanations—to
have accepted what has been said. Most of the time, they truly are
thinking the exact opposite and appear to accept only because they
want the subject closed. They calculate what sort of statements the
other person wants to hear and—without thought, feeling or under-
standing—they say what they think will pacify the other. But while
this takes place, their behavior usually does not change for the bet-
ter. With the help of Allah, Muslims feel that the words of these peo-
ple are deceitful.
People who practice this deceit believe that they have cleared
and protected themselves at the time, but Allah knows the most
carefully guarded secrets they keep inside. In the Qur'an, He reveals
the following about people who believe they are concealing things
in their hearts: