Page 78 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 78
will be reminded. But the most miserable will shun it,
those who will roast in the Greatest Fire. And then neither
die nor live in it. He who has purified himself will have
success. (Surat al-A'la: 9-14)
Behavioral Defects
The reactions of those who cannot completely rescue them-
selves when invited to sincerity, even though they say they believe,
make themselves evident to a large extent in defects of the voice,
manner of speaking and expression. As we have mentioned, they
may place great importance on their image in the eyes of others,
though they know very well that what is most important is to earn
the approval of Allah. Being the target of criticism and having their
errors detected are among the things that damage this image the
most. Because of this, when they find themselves in circles where
this occurs, they display different voices, speech and expressions
that are inappropriate to the morality of the faithful. To list these re-
actions when their insincerity is discovered:
Reactions apparent in the voice
No doubt, people's voices are one of the most important means
by which they reflect their emotions and thoughts to the outside
world. Most of the time, whether they want to or not, they make
their joy, pleasure, affection, interest, fears and concerns—or their
tranquility and comfort—apparent through their tone of voice.
Faced with a warning about his Afterlife, a person who lives the
morality of the Qur'an tries to understand and implement what he is
told with pleasure and eagerness. That pleasure can be easily recog-
nized in his voice. But in the case of an insincere person, no matter
how much he tries to hide the tension he feels because his insincer-