Page 164 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 164

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   unaware of the one evident truth that will bring him
                   happiness and inspiration, both in this world and the next.

                   Because all his life, he has been educated in radical ideologies,
                   in the context of the idea that life is a battleground in which
                   only the strong survive, where violence and oppression are
                   the only means of survival. Anyone resorting to terrorism, no
                   matter what his religion, race, or nation, must understand

                   that he is acting under the influence of a misleading
                   philosophy, that in the final analysis stems from materialist
                   and Darwinist thinking, though it sometimes masquerades as
                   a religious idea.
                        Those who resort to secular terrorism are unaware that
                   Allah and the hereafter really do exist, that this world is

                   merely a place of trial and that only those who believe and
                   carry out their religious obligations devoutly will be saved.
                   Those who resort to allegedly "religious" terrorism are far
                   from understanding Allah's commandments against evil and

                   the value of human life, such as that "… If someone kills
                   another person—unless it is in retaliation for someone else
                   or for causing corruption in the earth—it is as if he had
                   murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another
                   person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind." (Surat Al-
                   Ma'ida: 32)

                        At this point, a great responsibility falls on all true
                   believers, no matter what their religion. Jews must not ignore
                   the statements of the Torah ,calling mankind to peace and
                   love, and they must call on all other Jews to oppose terrorism,

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