Page 161 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 161

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                needs to be brought about by every Muslim who wants to
                achieve security and well being and to see the Islamic world
                flourish again. History shows that unification and harmony
                in the Islamic world have always brought success. The golden

                age of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)
                and the first caliphs, the Abbasid Empire, the empire of
                Saladin or the Ottoman Empire; all these examples indicate
                that unification among the Muslims themselves created
                powerful and victorious, yet fair and compassionate states. In
                times of turmoil, both Muslims and non-Muslims suffered.
                     Thus, a revival of the Islamic world depends on the

                unification of Muslims all around the globe, transcending
                ethnic, sectarian or social disputes. Once this is achieved, the
                formation of a political unity — in terms of an Islamic Union
                — will also be at hand. Such a Union will resolve the disputes
                both among the Muslims themselves and among the Muslims
                and non-Muslims; heal the radical elements in the Islamic
                world by means of education and persuasion; and establish
                good relations between Islamic civilization and
                other civilizations.
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