Page 156 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 156

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                        here, and immortal youth; try to win them!" It turns their
                        tears into laughter. It shows its favorable effects in every
                        group, particular and universal, and illuminates them.
                        Sociologists and moralists, who are concerned with the
                        social life of mankind, should take special note. If the rest of

                        the thousands of benefits and advantages of belief in the
                        hereafter are compared with the five or six we have alluded
                        to, it will be understood that only belief is the means of
                        happiness in this world and the next, and in the lives of
                        both. 58
                        As these examples suggest, once people live by religious
                   morality, it is easy to advise them, forbid them to commit evil

                   and turn them to the true path. Bediuzzaman often said that
                   terror and anarchy could be destroyed only if people live by
                   the morality of the Qur'an, commanding love, understanding,
                   peace, forgiveness, affection and compassion and standing
                   against all forms of evil and wickedness. These words of his
                   call on Muslims to embrace the truths of the Qur'an, again
                   emphasizing that only prevailing religion can end anarchy in

                   the world:
                        The only solution to the ruin and destruction caused by
                        anarchy, which menaces and has wreaked terrible
                        calamities on mankind, is the eternal and timeless truths of
                        a sacred and divine religion. 59

                        Bediuzzaman frequently stressed that the morality of the
                   Qur'an, and its interpretation in the Risale-i Nur made a great
                   contribution in eliminating terror and anarchy, and would

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