Page 152 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 152

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                        If a Muslim departs from
                        the Muslim community,
                        he turns from the religion
                        and becomes an anarchist

                        and has a poisonous effect
                        on    society.  Because
                        anarchy recognizes no
                        rights, and turns the
                        proper nature of mankind
                        into the morality of savage
                        animals. 54

                        A true Muslim, a sincere
                        believer, never supports
                        anarchy and wickedness...
                        the   religion   fiercely
                        condemns     strife  and
                                                        Bediuzzamna Said Nursi
                        anarchy. Because anarchy
                        recognizes no rights, and
                        turns the proper nature of mankind and the works of
                        civilization into the morality of savage animals. 55
                        He made it clear that conveying the morality of religion
                   would open up a great dialogue, even in the hearts of the

                   insensitive people , the uncompromising and aggressive. The
                   love of Allah would keep people from all forms of tyranny.
                   He stressed that every Muslim's duty is to relate the beauties
                   of religion and the truths of the Qur'an, so as to bring that love
                   into peoples' hearts. Bediuzzaman once stressed that his

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