Page 154 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 154

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                        superficial order and humanity, poisoning the life of the
                        town. Children will become troublemakers, the youth will
                        take to drink, the strong will embark on oppression, and the
                        elderly start to weep. 57

                        In societies that turn their back on religion, deceit,
                   oppression, anarchy, violence and terror emerge. Virtues like
                   cooperation, sacrifice and honesty go by the board. People
                   think only of their own self-interests, desiring only their own

                   comforts and working only for themselves. Yet when a
                   society lives by religion, then cooperation, friendship and
                   brotherhood prevail. Later in this same statement,
                   Bediuzzaman gives examples of the advantages that religious
                   morality can bring to family and social life:

                        By analogy, the country is also a household, and the
                        fatherland, the home of the national family. If belief in the
                        hereafter rules, then true respect, earnest compassion,
                        disinterested love, mutual assistance, honest service and
                        social relations, unhypocritical charity, virtue, modest
                        greatness, and excellence will all start to develop. It says to
                        the children, "Give up messing around; there is paradise to

                        be won!" and teaches them self-control through instruction
                        in the Qur'an. It says to the youth, "There is Hell-fire; give
                        up your drunkenness!" and brings them to their senses. To
                        the oppressor, it says, "There is severe torment; you will
                        receive a blow!" and makes them bow to justice. To the
                        elderly it says, "Awaiting you in the hereafter is everlasting
                        happiness, far greater than all the happiness you have lost

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