Page 151 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 151

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                     SAID, CAN TERRORISM BE OVERCOME

                     The most noteworthy aspect of his statements is the
                importance he attaches to human love and life, inspired by
                the morality of the Qur'an. As he once said,

                     The true lesson from the Qur'an is this: If there are ten
                     monsters and one innocent person in a house... is it
                     permissible to burn that house... even though the morality of
                     the Qur'an forbids such a thing... [to] ruin ten innocent
                     people for the sake of one monster? Would not burning that
                     house down be the greatest possible cruelty and betrayal? ...
                     the morality of the Qur'an forbids the endangering of the
                     lives or the harming of the 90 percent of innocent people for
                     the sake of the ten percent of monsters who threaten security.
                     We must be aware that we are bound by religion to preserve
                     security and abide by that lesson from the Qur'an... 53

                     In these words, Bediuzzaman revealed the great
                importance of human life, that every possible sacrifice should
                be made to save the life of just one individual and that doing
                the opposite means committing great cruelty. Muslims
                should work to establish peace and security. Because that

                responsibility is a command from Allah, believers use all
                means at their disposal to help spread the morality of religion.
                Where terror and anarchy become terrible scourges, an
                environment in which Islamic morality is lived resembles
                heaven. Bediuzzaman said as much in a number of

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