Page 150 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 150

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   seen in his writings, he made a detailed analysis of all these
                   events, evaluating all political developments in the light of

                   the verses of the Qur'an. He always emphasized how any
                   society that turns its back on religious morality will suffer
                   great damage and that only if Muslims joined forces could
                   they enjoy great success against atheist ideologies.
                        Bediuzzaman knew that terror and anarchy would
                   emerge in his own time, and afterwards. He therefore tried to
                   alert people to a number of possible solutions for these

                   terrible problems. In his words, "... Religion fiercely condemns
                   strife and anarchy. Anarchy recognizes no rights. It turns human
                   morality and the works of civilization into the morality of
                   animals," This was the best possible expression of Islam's
                   views on terror and violence, which Bediuzzaman spent his
                   life expounding. As he once said, "Patience and endurance to
                   put a stop to anarchy and maintain public order are necessary, with
                   all sincerity in the service of the faith. I am therefore perfectly
                   content to sacrifice my repute to that end." He stated that in the
                   fight against anarchy and terror—a fight that required
                   patience   and    endurance—believers      bore   a   great
                        His experience and guiding words are of great value
                   today. We should carefully consider every statement made by
                   this worthy individual, who spent his life trying to build a
                   world of love and wisdom, based on the morality of the


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