Page 166 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 166

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   including the state terrorism employed by Israel in the
                   occupied territories. So should Christians call on all other
                   Christians, taking as their guide the morality most pleasing to
                   Allah. They should also stress that "the war on terror" must

                   not turn into violent revenge, and a peaceful "counter-
                   terrorism" should be preferred, since the Christian faith
                   proclaims that "blessed are the peacemakers". (Matthew, 5: 9)
                   One should not forget that terrorism stems from wrong ideas
                   and that the basic struggle against terrorism should be on the
                   level of ideas. Believers must explain that these ideas are
                   wrong in terms of both theory and practice. No idea can

                   prevail by means of violence, oppression and cruelty, and
                   despotism can never triumph.
                        Terrorist ideology is built on rotten foundations, which
                   we have been concentrating on in this book, and these can
                   easily be eliminated through mass education. Devout
                   believers across the world can oppose terror and prevent
                   ignorance by coming up with solutions, through various
                   educational initiatives and through a cultural legacy. The
                                               dominion of the compassion,

                                                     peace of mind and
                                                        security commanded
                                                         by     Allah      will
                                                         irrevocably consign
                                                         terror to the waste bin
                                                        of history.

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