Page 20 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 20

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   weakens the fight against terrorism; and anyone living by
                   Islamic morality needs to fight terror in all its all forms. The
                   foundation of that intellectual struggle is based on revealing
                   the true morality of religion.

                        Today's politicians, political commentators and
                   academics agree that by itself, military force is not enough to
                   root out terrorism. This book concentrates on the only way it
                   can be eradicated: by means of peace, compassion and love.
                   All the divinely inspired religions that Allah sent down by
                   means of His messengers are helpful guides. This book offers
                   examples from the Qur'an as well as from the Bible (The

                   Torah and The Gospel gradually became corrupted. But
                   various sections compatible with the moral values of Islam
                   were still preserved.) to show how each of the three divine
                   religions forbids the use of unjust violence. It also gives
                   examples to show that the only way to fight terrorism is to
                   heal its root causes through the love, affection, compassion,
                   humility, forgiveness, understanding and concepts of justice
                   that religious morality instills in people—whom, following

                   the verse from the Qur'an:"Allah calls to the Abode of
                   Peace... " (Surah Yunus: 25) Such people will do their utmost
                   to build a world full of peace and love.
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