Page 25 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 25

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                     By the 1960s, people began to seriously wonder what
                might happen if a terrorist group managed to acquire some
                kind of nuclear weapon that could result in the deaths of tens
                of thousands. A biological or chemical attack could wipe

                entire populations off the map. No such attack happened,
                fortunately. But by the 1990s, the opportunities of such
                attacks increased. These concerns only heightened with the
                collapse of the Soviet Union and the weakening of control
                over its nuclear arsenal. The development of the internet and
                the facilitation of all forms of information increased these
                worries still further. Fear of terrorism became the subject of
                hundreds of films and books. Reports were written about the
                possible consequences and much research was carried out.
                Now, all too obviously, terrorists could go beyond familiar,
                limited actions like bombings, armed robberies, skyjackings

                   Bhagwan Shee Rajneesh, leader of a perverted cult that poisoned
                   750 people in Oregon, here seen with his followers.

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