Page 23 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 23

errorism is one of the gravest menaces facing
                               our 21st-century world because it sees acts of
                               violence as the only way to achieve political
                 aims. The particular aim or problem depends on the terrorist's
                 individual worldview. According to the terrorist's perverted
                 outlook, political dilemmas and conflicts caused by ethnic
                 and cultural differences can only be resolved by violence. No
                 group can get what it wants, except by "blood and iron".

                     The terrorists believe that their objectives—enforcing
                 their demands, spreading their organization's propaganda-
                 can be attained only by damaging the fabric of society; when
                 unease, fear and conflict come to dominate daily life. Some
                 groups aim to take advantage of the climate of disorder that
                 their actions bring about. They think that it will be easier to
                 achieve their aims when social stability has collapsed and

                 individuals are wracked with fear and uncertainty. From the
                 disorder, they claim, will rise what they call "righteousness
                 and justice." But expecting that acts of terrorism can establish
                 righteousness and justice, or that problems can be resolved by
                 violence, is a terrible mistake. Violence is counter-productive:
                 All they that live by the sword shall perish by the sword.
                     In the Qur'an Allah describes such people as  "those
                 [who] cause corruption in the earth." (Surat ar-Ra'd: 25), So
                 far, they have managed only to increase the number of deaths

                 among the innocent, and among their own supporters as well.
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