Page 26 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 26

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   and kidnappings, to attack entire communities. Such attacks
                   could be carried out by remote control or computer, with no
                   direct human intervention.
                        A number of recent fears in the US involving biological

                   weapons like the anthrax bacterium revealed the scale of the
                   threat posed by bio-terrorism and biological weapons. With
                   the help of an experienced chemist in a simple laboratory,
                   terrorists can now threaten the lives of thousands. One of the
                   first examples of this occurred in 1984, when 750 people were
                   poisoned in four restaurants in a small town in Oregon.    2
                   Later, it was revealed that a Hindu-inspired New Age cult

                   under the leadership of Baghwan Shree Rajneesh was
                   responsible. Disciples had grown salmonella bacteria on their
                   farms and placed them in salad bars in area restaurants. In
                   1995, the Aum Shinrikyo ("Higher Truth") cult released the
                   poison gas sarin in the Tokyo underground subway system,
                   leading to the deaths of 12 people and another 5,500 being
                   injured. Subsequent inquiries revealed that the cult had tried
                   to construct biological weapons in its own laboratories,
                   revealing just how severe a threat terrorism poses to the

                   public. 3
                        In the 21st century, computer technology is expected to
                   play an important role in terrorist attacks. Meanwhile, more
                   "conventional" forms of terrorism, like bombings, arson
                   attacks, skyjackings and kidnappings are still going on all
                   over the world, from Europe to America, from Asia to Africa.
                   Since 1962, for example, members of the ETA (Euskadi Ta

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