Page 102 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 102

         "The Division of Iraq into Three Parts"

        According to our Prophet (saas) the peo ple of Iraq will
        be divid ed into three groups: one part will join the loot -
        ers; one group will flee, leav ing their fam i lies behind;
        and one group will fight and kill. Prepare your selves for
        Doomsday when you see this.
                    (Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-
        The peo ple of Kufa will be divid ed into three parts. One
        part will join the Sufyani's army. These are the worst
        peo ple cre at ed by Allah. One part will fight against them,
        and these are hon or a ble ser vants of Allah. One part will
        join the loot ers, and these are sin ners.
              (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-Saqib fi Bayan Anna'l Mahdi
              min Awladi Ali b. Abu Talib Ale't-Tamam ve'l Qamal)
                                          Ali B.Ebi Talib)

                              THE LOOTING
                               HAS BEGUN

                                          car  ry  ing it to Arbil
        Power vac cu um ben e fits the  They are loot  ing in Mosul and
               loot ers
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